Leadership: Why showing employee appreciation and care can go a long way

Everyone has to start from somewhere. Meaning you’ve probably held an entry-level position at one point or another, in which trying to impress the higher-ups in your company was a major part of your job.   This article will explore why employee appreciation and recognition are a vital part of holding a leadership role not…

Everyone has to start from somewhere. Meaning you’ve probably held an entry-level position at one point or another, in which trying to impress the higher-ups in your company was a major part of your job.
This article will explore why employee appreciation and recognition are a vital part of holding a leadership role not only for maintaining overall morale but for the future of your business as well. 

Closing the loop between tasks and goals

Employee recognition involves any action a leadership member takes to recognise an employee for their contribution to the company. It’s a form of empowering employees to continue doing great work and showing empathy for the efforts they’re putting forth for the benefit of the business. 
Alternatively, positive feedback has another added benefit: it makes it obvious that what the employee is doing is correct. 
Think of appreciation as a north star for employees to use as they continue through their day. They know exactly what is working and what is not so that they understand which steps to take in the future. 
Another way to view appreciation is AI, wherein you input the right metrics so the system knows which steps are correct and which will lead to inaccurate or undesired outcomes. Positive feedback opens the door to new initiatives based on previous outcomes and verified successes. 

Adding company culture to your job description

From a recruiting standpoint, candidates want to join a business that aligns with their values. Rarely do hiring managers take on just a resume – they are looking for a cultural fit as well. The same goes for candidates looking for a new job. Be sure to talk about your company’s values and the culture in the job description and throughout the hiring process for better-aligned candidates. 

Outcomes of appreciation

The work environment has shifted dramatically since 2020 and employees value trust now more than ever. McKinsey and Co. found that positive employee experiences resulted in 16 times the engagement level than employees with negative experiences. Happy teams, it was found, are eight times more likely to stay with the company. 
Engaged employees are more productive and collaborative because they care about the outcomes of their work. They can work confidently knowing that their company recognises and appreciates their outcomes. These types of employees can work more autonomously knowing that their work is on the right track. 
The key? Showing authentic appreciation. 
Employees typically expect a shoutout when it’s their work anniversary, when they make a big sale or when they turn over a difficult client. Leadership should implement appreciation throughout a coworker’s lifetime with the company — the only time appreciation is authentic is when it’s unexpected. 
It doesn’t have to come in the form of a big party or a huge pay bump, though. The little things are what matter and what employees are more receptive to. Write a handwritten letter, send someone their favourite bag of coffee or fill the company fridge with personalised items you know they’ll love. 
The best way to engage employees is diving into their interests and opening the door to authentic communication. The result is a dynamic office environment of collaborators all helping each other do the job they need to do and reaching achievements with the support of a leadership team that wants to help their employees succeed. 
For more workplace insights, check out our other blogs and contact us for more information. 

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